Sunday 4 October 2009

A Dificult Surgery.

My sister was in surgery for appendicitis almost three weeks ago. I felt so sad because she has a daughter and she couldn't take care of her. The doctor said to her," This isn't a complicated surgery",but when the surgery was finished. The situation was different. Because she when home and everything was OK. But some hours later she felt very sick again. She couldn't breathe, and she needed to go again to the hospital. The doctor said she had a problem i her stomach. She had bleeding from the surgery she needed to stay in the hospital about four days. Now she is OK, thank God. Best wishes to you sister for your fortunate. You know sister I love you. I will never forget this experience because in my family nobody, was in a situation like this before, and also I learned many things. One of these is to be take care of your health.

1 comment:

  1. yo si te firmo tu blog aunque tu no me firmes el mio eh. y espero que tu hermana ya este mejor de su operacion.
