Thursday 19 November 2009

The Road Not Taken.

The most difficult decision in my life. Was in Mexico because I had to decide to be there in Mexico or come to the U.S. A. My husband needed to come back to work in the U. S. A. I felt so sad, because I didn't know any body in the U.S. A. When I got married, I committed myself to stay with him in the good and bad things . So I didn't have a choice. Finally, I came to the U.S. A, and my life was so terrible, because I felt so sad. I missed my family. But in a few years I felt much better.

Monday 16 November 2009

What Kind Of Music Do You Like And Why?

I like any kind of music for example:rock, nortena, hip-hop, cumbias, and also English music. And my favorite song about the teacher give us. It is the Rivers of Babylon because the song touch my feeling and also now I understand the song better than before. I like when the teacher song for us in the class.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Thursday 5 November 2009

My Parents.

My parents met each other about 30 years ago. They started dating when my mom was 18 and my dad was 20 years old. They have four girls and three boys. I'm so happy because they are still married. At this time it is so difficult to be married to somebody. Mom told me about my grandparents. They didn't want my dad t marry my mom because my father had a motorcycle and they thought he was a crazy guy because of the motorcycle he had. But today they love him,including my grandfather ,who is now dead. Mom and dad are 50 percent happy and 50 percent unhappy because all married people have happiness and sadness in real life. All the time I ask God to please bless my parents t have a good marriage.

My Avised to kenji.

Subj: Don't feel Sad?
Date: 10/29/09

Hey Kenji !

I know you feel sad ,but there is a saying in spanish something like this; a new nail pushes out the old one. You will be OK I now you still love Kathy, right? Instead ,you could try an Internet dating or gong to parties. Also ask all your friends if anybody is available. However you shouldn't be impatient to get a good girlfriend,OK?

Write me.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Why Are The Nine Personal Qualities Important In A Person?

These nine traits are important because we heed them to have a good life. First, love is the most important feeling for everybody in the world. Second, Joy is the happiness in our lives. Third, you have t have peace in your life all the time. Fourth is patience; this feeling is the hardest, but not impossible. Fifth, kindness is the feeling that for me is the easy one, because I practice it all the time. Next, I'm very lucky because I know many people who are good to me. Even though faithfulness is very hard for everybody, we have to think positively all the time. When you are gentle with somebody, you both feel good. The last one is self-control. This trait means you have to be calm all the time and exercise or personal restraint.You have to try all qualities for a good life.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Good relationships.

I have various relationships, but the most important for me is my family, because family is necessary in order to form a more perfect union. Next, My friends are important too, because they help me all the time and in sure our domestic tranquility. In my classroom I want to have more relationships, but I don't know everybody. But I promote the general welfare and well-being, together with others in my class. I try to have good relationships with my neighbors, but some time it is impossible.But I spill give the blessing no matter who are they.