Monday 28 September 2009

The American Dream.

When, Sopheap Ly said ,No Dream Beyond My Reach.This is the name about her book she is a young woman who was in terrible situation in her country. She talked about "Killing Fields". During the brutal Khmer Rouge regime from 1975-79. I think this a history is very sad because I can't imagine who want to kill so many people about 1.5 million. His name was Polpot a communist leader be kind the killing .Her father had a dream about her daughter one day she will be a doctor ,but he dead before she graduated in D.C. 2001. She receive her doctoral degree to practice medicine.

Thursday 24 September 2009

My Long Weekend.

I love my long weekends because I like to celebrate with my family and friends at different places for example: park, dance clubs , go the beach, and camp too. For Labor Day me and my family went to the park in Chino Hills because this park have an area for children to play with the whether. And also it have a lake and you can rent a little boat I paid only $15.00 dollars but, it is only for 30 minutes. My daughter was so happy and my husband was so tired because we need to move the boat the same way like a bicycle. I never forget the time because we had so fun.

The Fire

The fire in Los Angeles ws so terrible because too many people lost house and thing. I saw in the news about something the Firefighter were dead I fied so sad. They worked so hard for the comunity. But, simething is imposible to fight with the nature.The news said this fire was the biggest in Los Angeles.Some people didn't believe the terrible fire and they perfected to stayed in they house but, this was a bad aidea because they traied to stayed in the yacazzi in they houses. I don't undestand why the people do tha. The newa said this diarter was intencional I hope the police get the responsable for this disaster.

Sunday 13 September 2009

My Summer Vacations

My summer was interesting and busy. First, I took a summer school for English and also Computer class .Next, my daughter was so happy because she like school too. When, finished summer school. I went to Modesto CA, to visited my sister and my daughter was surprise because she didn't know about to see her little cousin but, only the bad thing was I can stayed only three days.Because my husband needed to come back to work. When, I come back I needed to study for my Driver's License.Only, I had two weeks for vacations so I needed to study very hard.But also I needed to relax because all the time I was in the school. Th as why my vacations was busy.